Events Submissions Updates

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We have an update with events submissions. Please read below for all the details.

As of today, event submissions will require a login. Most of you have already created an account with our web site, either by joining as a paying member, or by contacting me for assistance.

This update has been in the works for quite some time now, with the goal being to give our members and subscribers as much control over the content they post as we possibly can. Requiring a login has offered us some great perks:

  • You can post your events to our calendar and have them immediately visible to the public.
  • You can also now manage your events without having to request changes.

This level of access is now currently available to all paid members. If you are not a paid member, you can sign up at our Become a Member page. You can choose one of our paid membership levels, or sign up with our new “Basic Site Access” membership, which is free.

If you should have any questions, please leave a comment below.

Thank you,

Sharon Murphy, webmaster